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rent increase

Affordability promise

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The affordability promise ensures that the net rent burden on the respective household does not exceed 27% of the household income. With the new cooperation agreement, this affordability limit was deliberately reduced from 30% to 27% of net household income. If you as a tenant want to make use of this, it is important to note that the income and living space limits relevant for a residence permit (WBS) must not be exceeded. You can find an overview of the WBS specifications here.

So that we can get an overview of your income situation and any entitlement to a rent reduction, we ask you to upload your complete proof of income from the last 12 months.

Possible documents are:

  1. Income from non-self-employment in the last 12 months
  2. Income from pensions and/or company pensions
  3. Income from pensions (e.g. LVA, BfA, BVG)
  4. Income from wage replacement benefits (e.g. unemployment benefit, sickness benefit, parental benefit)
  5. Income from Bafög, support for gifted students, vocational training allowance according to AFG or similar.
  6. Transfer benefits (including SGB II, housing benefit, accommodation costs, etc.)
  7. Benefits according to the Maintenance Advances Act, from statutory maintenance; Childcare costs
  8. Other income, benefits in kind
  9. Income from capital assets
  10. Income from rental/leasing
  11. Income from self-employment
  12. Income from business/agriculture and forestry
  13. Housing benefit
  14. Degree of disability and proof

As soon as we have received and checked all of the documents, we will inform you of the results as soon as possible. Further questions and answers about rent adjustments can be found here.

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