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Tenant Advisory Board Elections A chance to have a say and ask questions

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Date: September 2022

New tenant advisory councils are set up in Kreuzberg and in the Thermometer, High Deck and Bruseberg settlements.

In the coming months you will have the opportunity to elect representatives of your interests - or even to be elected yourself. Tenant advisory councils are set up in the new HOWOGE neighborhoods. The Kreuzberg Tenants' Advisory Board is starting with the Kottbusser Tor and Mehringplatz quarters. Those who live there will receive the voting documents at the end of September. Then came the Thermometer Estate in Lichterfelde, the High Deck Estate in Neukölln and the Bruseberg Estate in Reinickendorf.

What is a Tenants Advisory Board for?

He is committed to the interests of the tenants: Anyone who wants to know something about new buildings and repairs, settle a neighborhood dispute or would like support with questions to HOWOGE can contact the tenants' advisory board. The group then helps directly or establishes contact with the responsible HOWOGE employees. Each tenant advisory board works on a voluntary basis and offers regular consultation hours.

As a rule, tenant advisory councils have between three and nine members. In order for the election to be valid, at least five percent of all households in the neighborhood must send the ballot letter by post to Möllendorffstraße 2, 10367 Berlin. The tenants have two weeks to do this. For the neighborhood in Kreuzberg, this means: At least 100 households should participate.

There are currently seven tenant advisory councils at HOWOGE. Because their area of responsibility has so far mostly corresponded to that of the customer center in their neighborhood, the members of the advisory board are the contact persons for sometimes several thousand tenants. We want to reduce these areas by 2023 so that everyone can get involved even more personally.

Election in Kreuzberg: set up your tenants' advisory board!

You will find the voting documentsin your mailbox by the end of September.

The ballot papermust be received by HOWOGE by October 14th.

The addressHOWOGE, Möllendorffstraße 2, 10367 Berlin.

Thevotes will be counted on October 19th.

Further information on the election of the tenants' council can be found here.