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Consumption information during the year

“The aim is to reduce energy consumption across the EU”

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Tenants with remotely readable devices for heating and hot water receive monthly written consumption information. This is intended to make their own consumption visible and controllable. In an interview, HOWOGE expert Daniel Hernández García talks about the background to the letter.

The Heating Cost Ordinance obliges landlords to provide monthly consumption information to tenants using remote-readable devices for heating and hot water. The reason for this ordinance is the European Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), which came into force in 2018. The aim behind it is to reduce energy consumption for heating and hot water in residential buildings across the EU. By informing residents monthly about their energy consumption, they should be able to consciously influence and control their consumption.

The information is based on the readings from the heating cost or hot water distributors. In accordance with the Heating Cost Ordinance, the information is converted into kilowatts per hour (kWh) for better comparability.

The information on consumption in kWh is intended solely as a guide for tenants, so that they can better estimate their own energy consumption from month to month. The actual costs are only available from the supplier after the end of the billing period and are determined and billed as part of the annual operating and heating costs statement.

Absolutely! The monthly consumption information does not replace the annual operating, heating and hot water cost bill. The monthly transparency is intended to give consumers the opportunity to adjust their consumption behavior if necessary. However, the monthly consumption information does not have to be identical to the final bill. The annual bill then lists the actual consumption and costs from the energy supplier. Tenants will receive this letter as usual after the end of the billing period in the following year.

The law stipulates a so-called obligation for building owners to provide information. As landlords, we are therefore obliged to initially send the information letters by post - until the option is offered to opt for digital receipt of consumption information.

No, unfortunately there is no way to opt out of this letter. Since 2022, all building owners in Germany have been obliged to send this information to their tenants on a monthly basis, provided that remote-readable measuring devices are available.

Unfortunately, yes. The built-in radio technology is - like technology in general - not free from faults or errors. It can therefore happen that the data of a property could not be read wirelessly for a month. In this case, the writing or the value is also missing.

HOWOGE provides a wealth of information and tips on heating and ventilation in its guide. If you have any further questions, you can send an email to

The editors thank you for the interview!

To person

Name: Daniel Hernández García Position: Portfolio Management Employee In the company since: 2020

Release date: March 2024