Social Commitment "Commitment is not a PR strategy for us"

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Why does HOWOGE actually support associations and projects? And what do the tenants get out of it? The head of social management, Petra Grampe, explains this to us in an interview.

Ms. Grampe, HOWOGE is socially committed. What does that mean?It means that we take social responsibility. We support or initiate projects that promote the social infrastructure in our residential areas. These are, for example, advice, help and leisure activities. These are just as important for livable districts as houses, paths and shopping facilities. Our commitment is part of our raison d'être as the municipal housing association of the State of Berlin.

Group of children shooting a bow and arrow

And what do I get out of it as a tenant?

You will find leisure and sports facilities on your doorstep. You can garden together, get advice in emergencies or get creative with your neighbor: inside. There are holiday offers for your children. And thanks to the HOWOGE Foundation for Urban Culture, you can, for example, take part in tablet courses free of charge and much more.

That sounds like a wide range.

Yes, we support almost 100 projects in the fields of education, research, culture, ecology, social affairs and sport every year. By the way, we want to create community. not only with money, but also with our own manpower. And we also offer advice ourselves - for example, if you owe rent or if you are in a social emergency.

Table from above with food in the family center

Why is HOWOGE involved at all?

We want to create community. The offers make people realize that they do not live alone. That they can create something, help each other. Social commitment is not a PR strategy for us. We want to develop quarters in the long term. You have to look further than just the mere management of residential buildings. How do you know what your tenants need?We keep in close contact with the actors on site. So we always know how people's needs are changing and where support is needed.

Can tenants also get involved themselves?

Clear! Responsibility doesn't stop at your own front door. Everyone can do something to ensure that there is lively togetherness in the neighborhood. We are happy to support volunteer work.