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The KIEZCONTAINER on Anna-Ebermann-Strasse in Hohenschönhausen will become a counseling center with immediate effect. The offers are made by local cooperation partners who support us in accompanying our tenants in the challenges of life - directly on site in the residential area. The services range from energy-saving tips from the Caritas electricity-saving checker, to the mobile format of the Lichtenberg Citizens' Registration Office, to family counseling by FAN FamilienANlauf eV or the citizens' initiative for foreign fellow citizens

Location:Anna-Ebermann-Strasse 6, 13053 Berlin Show on Google Maps


Our consulting offers Background to the KIEZCONTAINER

Our consulting services at a glance

More about the background of the KIEZCONTAINER

Some neighborhoods need help for self-help. This is the idea of HOWOGE's social management. In Hohenschönhausen, HOWOGE set up the neighborhood container for this purpose. The pilot project bundles advisory services and brings them to the front door.

After only three years in the neighborhood container, HOWOGE is optimistic about the development at the Alt-Hohenschönhausen location: Tenant complaints are decreasing, rent debts are falling and there have been fewer conflicts among neighbors. What does that have to do with the neighborhood container? It offers a contact point for a wide variety of concerns and thus fulfills a "caring function". Whether it's social counselling, a mobile citizens' office or tips on saving energy - all of this can be found in the two connected construction containers on Anna-Ebermann-Strasse. How is that possible? In cooperation with good partners in the neighborhood. HOWOGE brought them together and provided the space.

3 people help each other. Illustration.
(copy 9)

What to do if tenant complaints persist?

The starting point was a call for help from the customer center. Complaints from tenants increased – about noise, non-compliance with quiet times, about garbage and neighborhood conflicts. A tenants' meeting confirmed the perceptions. The first remedy should be a joint neighborhood festival in cooperation with the local Kieztreff. But what would have a longer-term effect?

Creating a place where people care

In order to promote stability and exchange, the social management of HOWOGE wanted to offer "help for self-help" - a place of short distances, offers directly in the neighborhood. The idea of the Kiezcontainer was born: designed as a pilot project for five years. The "container boys" made the start. They listened and tried to clarify the concerns of the tenants. They found that many residents do not speak German well enough or are illiterate: Those seeking advice could neither read the house rules nor apply for child benefit or register school-age children for school. The container boys helped out. Her motto: "We know paper!" Then came Corona.

Well accepted despite the pandemic

After a pandemic-related emergency operation and consultation hours at the sliding window, there was a new edition in October 2022. In the meantime, the weekly program is well filled. The HOWOGE Tenants' Advisory Board Hohenschönhausen is involved, the Caritas electricity-saving checker and the mobile format of the Lichtenberg Citizens' Registration Office are at the start. But also counseling offers from the FAN FamilienANlauf eV or the citizens' initiative Foreign Fellow Citizens eV Since its restart, the Kiezcontainer has developed into a well-received counseling center in just one year. The project met with a positive response both in the district and beyond and formed new partnerships.